11 Kasım 2010 Perşembe

Android not Apple is Nokia’s Biggest Threat, says InMobi

obile ad network InMobi has released the first of a series of research reports providing a global independent perspective on mobile advertising. The first report is based on network research across 125 countries and six regions. It includes data from
InMobi’s proprietary network statistics, highlighting global trends; deep-dive analysis in six different regions, exposing trends and statistics around handset and OS penetration;
and a crowd-sourced, viral qualitative component with an open invitation to the industry to participate.

The research offers an analysis of mobile operating systems’ market share based on the available global ad impressions. Nokia comes out on top with 25.7 per cent, followed by Symbian (22.1 per cent), iPhone: (8.1 per cent), Android (2.2 per cent), RIM (2.8 per cent), weboS (1.1 per cent), and Windows Mobile: 0.6% (0.6 per cent).
It also reveals the regional breakdown of iPhone OS impressions, with N. America
accounting for 63.6 per cent, Europe for 24.3 per cent, Asia 10.8 per cent, the Middle East 1 per cent, and Africa 0.3 per cent.

The report also ranks the health of mobile advertising markets on a regional basis, with reference to a number of factors, ranging from the level of 3G and smartphone penetration, to how interested local media and advertisers are in mobile. Europe emerges as the healthiest mobile advertising market globally.

“Europe combines the wealth and media sophistication of a developed region with the complexity that often defines emerging markets such as Africa and Asia; namely multiple languages and an inherent fragmentation due to cultural and geographic boundaries,” says Rob Jonas, VP, managing director, InMobi Europe. “Additionally, Europe has an emerging developer culture and an evolved consumer use of mobile phones relative to other regions.”

Other key findings include:

* Nokia is most threatened by Android, not Apple. While Nokia remains a sleeping giant with a 47 per cent share of consumer mobile ad impressions globally, the emergence of Android offers Nokia its greatest competitive challenge, given price points and open-sourced user experience.
* Apple iPhone OS will face much stiffer competition from Nokia and Android globally. While the data suggests tremendous potential and continued success for Apple, its closed nature and premium price points compared to major competitors in emerging markets, offers a much greater challenge for the device giant than in existing developed markets.
* With over 24 per cent of iPhone impressions globally now in Europe, iPhone developers are among the first to experience mobile advertising globalisation. This trend offers a preview of what’s to come for all other sectors of the mobile advertising ecosystem, including brands and agencies.
* Europe is poised to lead mobile advertising innovation globally.

InMobi says this is the first of what will be a regular series of research reports that will be available to the mobile industry, research analysts, investors, advertisers, publishers and academic institutions.

The report is available for free download here.

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