12 Kasım 2010 Cuma

Webinar on Dec. 9: Mobile Marketing in 2011: How High is High?

Please click here to register for the Wednesday, Dec. 9 webinar at 2 p.m ET to 3 p.m. ET: "Mobile Marketing in 2011: How High is High?"

Mobile Marketer will host an hour-long free outlook webinar on Thursday, Dec. 9 from 2 p.m. ET to 3 p.m. ET to discuss how mobile marketing will fare in 2011 for effective campaign planning and management. Hipcricket is the sponsor.

Top executives from Costco, USA Today, Doner, eMarketer and Hipcricket will discuss the prospects for mobile marketing in the year ahead in this webinar that is part of a series organized by Mobile Marketer.

“The world is mobile marketing’s oyster next year,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily, New York. “All forces are conspiring to make it a banner year, but it never pays to take success for granted.

“This webinar will offer tips on how to navigate mobile advertising, marketing, media and commerce in a year when much will be expected of the mobile medium as a consequence of higher budgetary allocation, execution capability and ROI measurement,” he said. “The panelists are just the bunch to carry the torch shedding light on mobile best practice.”

The mud bath involving Apple, Google, Microsoft, Research In Motion, Nokia and a whole bunch of others including retailers such as Amazon and eBay should leave no one in doubt that mobile advertising and marketing is the fastest-growing marketing medium even in a tepid economy.

While one out of four consumers today have smartphones with Web browsing and application download capability, that number is expected to jump to one out of three in 2011.

Given such smart mobile tools, more consumers are conducting their daily lives on mobile devices than ever before. The repercussions for communications, content and commerce are tremendous, but even more so for advertising and marketing.

So what will advertisers and agencies have to do to vie for these mobile consumers’ attention? How will they tie in their multichannel efforts to include mobile? How will they measure their efforts?

More to the point, how should marketers and agencies adapt to this changing landscape where more consumers are moving their work and personal chores to mobile devices? What role will mobile play in driving traffic to other channels?

At the same time, the world will still have far more feature phones, all capable of receiving and sending SMS – the workhorse of mobile advertising and marketing.

So, expect brands and agencies to continue to use SMS, mobile display ads, applications, in-game ads, search, location-based services and other mobile channels to help with overall branding and customer acquisition and customer retention efforts.

To discuss these issues, Mobile Marketer has assembled a panel of experts from organizations such as Costco, USA Today, Doner, eMarketer and Hipcricket. Mobile Marketer’s Dan Butcher will moderate.

Hipcricket, a mobile marketing firm in Kirkland, WA, is the sponsor of this webinar.

The webinar will start at 2 p.m. ET and end at 3 p.m. ET on Thursday, Dec. 9. Attendance is free. Registrants can ask questions – via the chat box – while the webinar is in progress and as panelists speak.

Please click here to register for the free webinar.

Below are more details on the webinar.


Mobile Marketing in 2011: How High is High?
Experts Offer Strategic Advice for Campaign Planning and Management

Mobile Marketer


Date and duration
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010, 2 p.m. ET to 3 p.m. ET

If the steady launches of campaigns, smartphones, applications and sites are any indication, 2011 is expected to be another banner year for mobile advertising, marketing, media and commerce.

Brands and agencies have grown increasingly comfortable with including SMS, mobile banner ads, mobile sites and mobile applications in their overall marketing mix – and so have consumers in their interactions with these marketing messages.

Also, the medium has become more measurable, making mobile an ideal complement to branding and customer acquisition and customer retention efforts.

However, mobile continues to receive only 1-3 percent of all marketing budgets – versus about 12-15 percent for online – despite the fact that more consumers are conducting work and personal chores on their mobile devices.

For that budgetary allocation to increase, issues such as SMS campaign provisioning and deployment, opt-in permissions, metrics, client education and location-based privacy concerns must be addressed.

This webinar will discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for marketers, agencies and publishers looking to include mobile into their marketing mix as more budgets and consumers move to interactive media.

The topics under discussion include:

 Are mobile marketing’s benefits obvious to brands and agencies?
 Where will the key opportunities for mobile lie in 2011?
 What, if any, upcoming challenges can marketers expect with mobile?
 Strategic advice for mobile program and campaign planning and management
 Best-practice tips for mobile inclusion in multichannel marketing efforts
 Where to invest in mobile next year?

To discuss these issues, Mobile Marketer has brought together a panel of industry experts:

 Robb Walters, director of site design, Costco
 Craig Etheridge, vice president of mobile advertising sales, Gannett Digital/USA Today
 Timothy A. Blett, senior partner and president, Doner Newport Beach (CA)
 Noah Elkin, senior analyst, eMarketer
 Eric Harber, president and chief operating officer, Hipcricket

 Dan Butcher, associate editor, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

The moderator will take questions while the panelists are presenting to keep the webinar lively. A common deck with respective talking points will be prepared for display and distribution.

Please click here to register for the webinar, “Mobile Marketing in 2011: How High is High?”

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