12 Kasım 2010 Cuma

Mobile Marketer's Mobile Women to Watch 2010

Mobile Marketer's Mobile Women to Watch 2010

By Mickey Alam Khan

November 27, 2009
Mobile Women to Watch 2010

Mobile Marketer's Mobile Women to Watch 2010

Please click here to download Mobile Marketer’s Mobile Women to Watch 2010

Mobile Marketer’s inaugural Mobile Women to Watch 2010 list celebrates smart women who are expected to make a difference in mobile advertising, marketing and media in 2010.

While we may have missed some who would rather stay out of the limelight, it is fair to say these women – 49 from the United States, three Canada and one from Britain – are achievers who have already left their stamp on mobile marketing.

Their dedication to the craft is nonpareil and their commitment admirable.

These marketers have steadfastly withstood several issues bedeviling mobile such as the constant need for client education, inadequate metrics, lack of decent budgets, carrier-centricity, male domination and hype.

Indeed, they have overcome skepticism of the first order to help their male and female colleagues and peers make mobile marketing an undeniable element of the interactive marketing mix. Soldiered on they have.

As Heidi Lehmann, CEO of MoxieQ and one of the Mobile Women to Watch, points out, “With most anything new, a common kneejerk reaction of larger companies and even consumers is to look for reasons why something won’t work.”

Primus inter pares
Mobile marketing has long been a game of perseverance and evangelism. These women are being honored for staying with a medium while it was born and through its coming-of-age party – which is now.

These women now have the brush, oils and canvas to paint bold strokes in 2010.

Through all of this excitement over mobile and its possibilities, this crowd remains levelheaded.

“In mobile,” said Allison Mooney, vice president of emerging technologies at Omnicom’s MobileBehavior, “you need to keep an eye on the future and a foot grounded in the present.”

How were these honorees chosen?

A call was sent out Sept. 14 to Mobile Marketer readers in a published article (see story). Combined with reader nominations and recommendations from Mobile Marketer’s Giselle Tsirulnik, Dan Butcher, Chris Harnick, Jodie Solomon and this writer, a list was drawn up. Many thanks to them and to art director Rob DiGioia for the hard work.

Whittling down the names was hard. But there was no doubt of the final list.

The executives who made the cut were evangelists for the industry, astute observers of evolving consumer behavior at work and home, and advocates for ethical mobile marketing as part of the multichannel media mix.

Above all, they served as admirable role models to other women – and even men – to consider a career in mobile marketing.

These women are poised to make more history in 2010. Get to know them through these pages as they write yet another chapter in mobile marketing’s book.

Please click here to download Mobile Marketer’s Mobile Women to Watch 2010

Editor in Chief Mickey Alam Khan covers advertising agencies, associations, research and mobile marketing issues, as well as column submissions. Reach him at mickey@mobilemarketer.com.

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